Sunday, August 1, 2010

Spice Rubbed Flap Steak with Za'atar Summer Squash and Pereg Mix Rice

On my last day in Israel, I had about two and a half hours of free time to explore Ben Yahuda Street and the Shuk (market).  I spent a good deal of time trying to find gifts for my family and girlfriend, but I was able to do a little shopping for myself.  I came across a beautiful, small spice vendor in the shuk, with huge mounds of fragrant, colorful spices.  I picked up some hot paprika and za'atar, but also some bulk dried fruit and vegetable mixtures to put in rice.  They are made by Pereg Gourmet Spices, and you can actually buy them online here.

I also got a spicy rub for grilled meat, but I don't know exactly what it is.  It's a rich red color, kind of smokey and spicy, and it was actually too course to use without grinding it up some more in my spice/coffee grinder (I recommend having a cheap blade coffee grinder dedicated to grinding whole spices) -
I rubbed this on a piece of locally sourced (somewhere in VA...I should pay closer attention) flap steak from WF, and broiled about 4 minutes per side.
The rice was just a couple cups of basmati rice cooked with a couple cups of the mix.  It's a pretty simple way to make rice a lot more interesting. 

I also roasted some CSA zucchini and squash and seasoned it with just salt, pepper, and a little za'atar.  Everything turned out well - I'm glad I picked up the rice mix (even if I can apparently order it in the U.S. and not have to worry about getting back through customs), and I will definitely keep my eyes open for flap steak going forward.  It is along the lines of hanger or skirt steak,and pretty similarly priced.

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