Monday, August 2, 2010

Using Eggplant - Eggplant Parm!

If you can't tell by now, way too many of my recipes come from Saveur.  This is true of this entry, eggplant parmesan.  I more or less followed the recipe.  I'm really not a big eggplant fan, but breaded fried, and covered in tomato sauce loaded with fresh mint and basil?  Yes, please.  For the record, this recipe uses CSA eggplant, mint, basil, and garlic.

Starting with a medium to large eggplant, peel and cut into 1/3 to 1/2 inch slices.  Prepare a flour/eggwash/breadcrumbs station - it is good to have some room to spread out here.
I'm pretty glad to have moved into a new apartment a week ago with a much larger kitchen... We'll see if my postings get more ambitious accordingly.  Flour --> eggwash --> breadcrumb all of the eggplant slices.  I used panko breadcrumbs, which worked nicely.  Heat 1/4 cup of olive oil in a cast iron skillet over medium-high heat until very hot but not smoking, and cook the eggplant in batches, not crowding the skillet.  Give it about 2.5-3 minutes per side.

Cool on a cooling rack over paper towel.  While this is going on, cook the sauce as specified in the recipe.  I made the sauce as called for, but with a small handful of fresh CSA basil and mint added in at the end, stirred in right before it comes off the head.  Put a thin layer of sauce on the bottom of a large pyrex baking dish, then  layer the browned eggplant slices on top of the sauce.  Cover the eggplant with more sauce, then some greated parmesan-reggiano, and finally with grated provolone or mozzarella, whichever you like \
Bake for 20 minutes at 375 or until cheese is melted and a little browned and sauce is bubbling, let cool for a couple minutes, and serve with pasta and a salad.

1 comment:

  1. boy do I have an eggplant "parm" that will knock your socks off and is a tad healthier. Let me know if you want it...
