Thursday, August 12, 2010

Week 11 Haul

I just got back from a week home in Michigan, luckily in time to pick up this week's share.  Unfortunately, I totally missed last week's; the friends with whom we share our share got our half.  

This week's stuff looks fantastic - we've finally started getting substantial amounts of tomatoes.  I'm going to try to up my game with photography for this site... Tonight marks the start of using my digital SLR instead of my point and shoot.  I don't have a macro lens, but I'm hoping one of the lenses I have will work well enough:

Here we go, clockwise from bottom left: Japanese eggplant, donut peaches, white peaches, other peaches, plums, mixed beans, apples, red and orange tomatoes, garlic, onions, huge zucchini, grape tomatoes, thai basil, basil, bell peppers, sweet frying peppers, and a red serrano pepper (usually these are green, but I grabbed the red one...I assume it is riper and sweeter than the green ones).

And, because they are so weird looking and perfectly named, a close up of our donut peaches:
I really haven't figured out what to do with these, save eating them straight.  That seems to be working, though.  I'm open to any other suggestions.  

Not sure what will come of everything this week, but I think think peppers stuffed with turkey sausage and shredded zucchini, grilled peaches (new apartment has grills on the roof), and something featuring these tomatoes prominently.  

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