Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Iceberg Lettuce Chopped Salad

This recipe is adapted from a Jamie Oliver Chopped Salad recipe - available here.  I used a head of CSA iceberg lettuce instead of the suggested butterhead, and added the white meat from the roasted chicken I made a couple days ago.  I also couldn't find english mustard at Whole Foods, so I just used dijon.  For the sprouts, I used broccoli sprouts because 1) I like their flavor, and 2) they seem to last longer than other microsprouts.  Finally, because they were around, I threw in a couple chopped tomatoes which added some color.  Here is the result:
I feel like I keep using the same adjectives for the recipes I've been making: light, delicate, fresh, etc.  I think it is because of the ingredients I've been using as much as my lack of vocabulary.  Anyway, this salad turned out fantastically, and I will definitely make it again.  The red wine vinagrette was great, and I look forward to making it with an english mustard.  The iceberg lettuce feels almost like a guilty pleasure - dark greens are obviously more healthy and Romaine is about as light as I go for salad greens.  Maybe it is the common pairing with bleu cheese and bacon with a wedge that connotes a lack of healthiness, but there was something strangely indulgent yet still refreshing about a big iceberg salad.  One last thing - if you choose to add chicken, cook it ahead of time so it has time to cool.

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