Sunday, June 27, 2010

In Praise of the Everona Dairy

I am a huge fan of the Dupont Farmer's Market, which is open Sundays from 9-1 in the summer (and 10-1 in the winter).  One of the reason's I love it is the presence of the Everona Dairy every week.  Their sheep's milk cheese is fantastic - they usually have like 5 or more different varieties every week.  This week we picked up a piece of cracked pepper, which is delicious with a nice, peppery flavor without being overbearing.

Today is Meghan's and my 5th anniversary (if you count dating anniversaries, which it appears we do).  We both enjoy a good breakfast sandwich, whether it is from Dunkin Donuts or a high-brow take prepared with ingredients from the market.  We went with the latter today.

I sliced a few thin pieces of the black pepper cheese, put it on pieces of a halved baguette, and toasted it in the oven for about 7 minutes.  While this was happening, I seared a few thin slices of Everona's Lamb Summer Sausage, and fried two eggs.  I put a layer of the sausage on each baguette, and topped with the fried egg (runny of course).  It made for a great brunch served alongside some CSA blueberries (and other-sourced melon).
And after a few bites with the egg running everywhere:

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