Thursday, June 3, 2010

Why I'm Doing This

After finishing college at the University of Michigan (GO BLUE!), where I grilled 95% of the dinners I cooked and 100% of the ones I didn't microwave, I moved to Boston. My apartment didn't have a balcony, and grilling wasn't an option. I realized I would have to learn to use my kitchen. 

I also realized that cooking can be relaxing, creative, and a lot of fun - especially if you listen to great music while doing it. Most importantly, if you are good at cooking, it can be a justification for doing little, if any, cleaning around your apartment if you're in a relationship. 

I moved to D.C. in 2008, and I really love it here. Living around Dupont Circle, I try to take full advantage of the Dupont Circle Farmer's Market on Sundays. Last spring I signed up for a farm share, and loved the variety of farm fresh produce I received every week. I have signed up for another farm share this year, which will run from June through November. This blog will track what I get every week, and what i do with it.

I have volunteered to be a coordinator of the farm share in which I participate, and part (well...most) of my duties is to send out relevant recipe suggestions every week.  Since I'll already be doing this, tracking the results and posting a photo or two seems like a natural extension.

Finally, I am a first time blogger.  While I know the internet is not a big truck and I am aware of all internet traditions, to say this blog is a work in progress is generous.  This includes the name - if anybody has a better one, I am all ears.  

1 comment:

  1. Dave - Very excited to read your posts each week! Adam and I joined a CSA this year too. It's so much fun! I'm excited to try your recipes!

    xoxo, Bitsy
